Tag Archives: Andrew Schulman

Andrew Schulman

MFM Talk Series With Medical Musician Andrew Schulman

Review by Dawoud Kringle

Andrew Schulman book cover

Date: April 26, 2017
Venue: WeWork Bryant Park (NY)

Musicians for Musician (MFM) presented the second of its Talk Series with Andrew Schulman, author of Waking the Spirit: a Musician’s Journey Healing Body. Mind, and Soul and creator of a profession he calls medical musician.

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Andrew Schulman, author and musician

Book Review: Andrew Schulman’s “Waking the Spirit:

 …a Musician’s Journey Healing Body, Mind, and Soul”

Book Review by Dawoud Kringle

Andrew Schulman book coverMusic is the oldest, and the newest, thing in medicine. There are centuries worth of traditions from every culture humanity ever produced that explore the practical application of music as a form of medicine. From the beginning of recorded history to around the 17th century, music was an integral part of medicine. When western allopathic medicine began to reveal details of human biology, they simultaneously instituted the erroneous idea that the human body is mere biology unconnected with the mind. Humanity has yet to fully recover from this disaster. Hundreds of books are written in English about music. The rise of the practice of music therapy, or medical applications of music in the west is, however, a relatively new phenomenon.

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